ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 8月25日 10時02分

Earlier this summer, President @ドナルド・トランプ described Montenegrins as “very aggressive.” @eglusac, a @nytimestravel writer familiar with the country, couldn’t disagree more. “Imagine yourself in Venice, sail down the Adriatic coast, look east and stop before you reach Albania,” she tells friends who know little about the Balkan country. More invested in tourism than war, Montenegro attracted 2 million visitors last year, more than 3 times its population. It’s not big — just right for a typically time-pinched American vacation. “Many travelers set out from Dubrovnik, the popular walled city on the southern Croatian coast, about an hour’s drive from the border,” @eglusac writes. “But we found that flying into the capital of Podgorica put us within easy striking distance of a variety of attractions: the Dinaric Alps in the north, the Adriatic coast to the south, and the cultural treasures of mid-Montenegro.” Here, @sw_photo captured a view of the Bay of Kotor in #Montenegro. Visit the link in our profile to read more in @nytimestravel.


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