Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 8月10日 01時27分

Today, one year ago, my uncle Manuel left his body. The World has never seen such a peculiar character as him, and I doubt that we’ll ever witness someone similar. His kids and I have emulated him since we were kids but we are nothing but bad copies. One never knew what he was going to come up with: He could tell you that he Loved you or just pull a gun on you when he didn’t like you. I have tons of stories about him, tons, but the last one, was at his mass when he died: The Priest told us a story that when he met my Uncle, my Uncle insulted him because he thought that the Priest was hitting on his dead friend’s widow, then, after the insults, they became best friends. After the Priest told us the story, he started to cry and looked up to the Sky and shouted: “Why did you die Manolo? Why?” This is how Magical my uncle was. As a tribute to him, when we finally rescued the Colombian Lions, I named them Manolito’s Pride. When my whole family betrayed me, my Uncle would call me every Thursday drunk to tell me that he Loved me. One of a kind. I have two pictures in my whole house (That I had to hide from Changui): Of my Beloved Fiona and her family, and of my uncle. Very high standards...
#ManolitosPrideBJWT #BeHuman


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