リン・ハッチソンのインスタグラム(lynnekarinahutch) - 8月9日 22時22分

Taking a quick break from the Japanstagram to share this photo. Today marks 6 years since we both competed at the London 2012 Olympic Games! @martapagnini won a medal in London with the legendary Italian team! Hearing her speak about her experiences was so valuable (she is a great speaker & motivator by the way and she has written a book which I hope will be in English soon!). She had such amazing advice for gymnasts and also inspiration for life after gymnastics. The RG world is very lucky to have such a person involved in the sport! ??❤️??
ps. She also has a similar scoliosis to mine and it didn’t stop her! Find a way to reach your goals and dreams ??
#rhythmicgymnastics #Olympics #london2012 #italiateam #teamgb


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