テス・ホリデーのインスタグラム(tessholliday) - 8月9日 08時13分

@massy.arias kicked my butt today! Not gonna lie to y’all- Seeing my body from some of these angles made me feel badly at first, & then had to remind myself who I am ??I’m fat & fooooooine?Also my sports bra says “Women don’t owe men shit.” & it’s by @kidd.bell .. RP @massy.arias - “#WCW @テス・ホリデー We are putting in work. Here are some of the moves we worked on today. Emphasis is on strengthening her core and complex movements that require different muscles so we burn burn burn. Pay attention to the core moves as they are staple when trying to build a strong core (specially my mamas out there). The goal to a successful fit journey is to make sustainable goals. Start small, and build from it. Keep growing by learning your body. Make it fun! This is only the beginning, and I’m so proud of this woman!” #mawarrior #effyourbeautystandards #robynforever


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Fenty X Pumaのインスタグラム
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