ジェニー・ガースのインスタグラム(jenniegarth) - 8月6日 02時53分

Happy Sunday everybody! Here’s a lil sneak peak into my weekly workout regime. I’ve spent the past 18 months or so focusing on my health. Mostly mental and spiritual, but my physical health has played a huge part in me being confident and happy. Life offers us many challenges and seeming obstacles, but it’s in those moments that we grow and deepen our connection with ourselves and our potential. Daily exercise has not only helped transform my body back to a healthy place, but quite honestly it’s kept me alive. Just having a routine, a committed time allocated to “working out” at least 3x a week has made me remember that taking care of myself is the most important thing I can do. Sure some days I’d rather stay in bed or distract myself by taking care of everyone else’s needs, but everyday is a a new day, an opportunity to live your best life! My hope is that sharing this with you will maybe inspire you (or give you a little laugh ?) to take better care of yourself?
Thank you to my amazing and motivating trainer Jason Cohen @alive_shermanoaks for making me sweat, laugh, and show up for myself xo


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