ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 8月3日 22時13分

“I actually don’t see myself as super athletic,” Jaimie Monahan said. “Kinda more like a penguin; clumsy on land but graceful in the water.” That’s not stopping her. The 38-year-old — who was photographed here by @mariancaa — has logged over 75 major swimming events in 10 years as an open water, ice and winter swimmer. She’s a 7-time U.S. national champion in winter swimming. She also happens to have a full-time job as a recruiter for Deloitte. But this month, she won’t be putting in much cubicle time. Instead, Jaimie will be attempting to obtain a #GuinnessWorldRecord as the fastest person to complete 6 marathon swims on 6 continents within 16 days. Her first qualifying event will start in Manhattan at East 26th Street and end in Coney Island. Later that day, she’ll fly to Colombia. Then, she’ll swim in the waters of Australia, Singapore, Egypt and Switzerland. Jaimie said she sometimes sings in her head while she swims, but mostly focuses on nature. Jellyfish and insects are bothersome, but she doesn’t let them get to her. Focus is key. “The tide, the hot or cold water, wildlife, weather, it all affects open-water swimming,” she said. Jaimie’s using up 2 weeks of vacation for the upcoming adventure. “It’s funny when someone from the office asks you what you did over the weekend,” she said. “Sometimes I was swimming on the other side of the world.”


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