ジェサ・ヒントンのインスタグラム(jessahinton) - 7月28日 05時20分

Fun little fact ✨ My first legit modeling job was when I was 26. The most money I have ever made / best year working was after 28. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do shit. That you’re too old or don’t have enough experience. That having a kid will get in the way. If you “appear” to be single you’ll get more work as a girl. That you have to lie about your age to get better gigs. I’m living proof that the more you’re upfront and truly know what you want, then you and ONLY YOU can make shit happen or stand in your way. Follow my other page @jessa.finds for more real shit cuz you know I have shit to sayyyy ? #NotYourtypicalmotivationalspeaker


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