シャンテルのインスタグラム(chantelle_paris) - 7月27日 01時00分

@annaritsch, Austrian, Living in New York, Photography

Describe in three words:
Your generation - outspoken, aware, on the go
Your world - seeing, spontaneous, curious
Your inspiration - everyday life, my family, the sea
Your struggles - change, satisfaction, discipline

How do you imagine the future?
I hope that we are continuing to create integration and space for everybody & everything living on this planet and that we learn to be present in the Now.

How do you Overthrow convention?
question everything, with empathy and compassion

Overthrow Underwear is a campaign rooted in openness and collaboration. We asked creators of all kind to interpret this revolution and portray how they overthrow conventions in their own way.

#OverthrowUnderwear #SoftStretch


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



