たくさんの心配をしてもらってるみたいで、どうもありがとう!! 体調がおかしいなと感じつつ、原因もわからずあれこれ試しながらライブなどの日程もありなんとか過ごしてきましたが帰国後22日の夜、いよいよ高熱も下がらず回復の見込みがないので病院で診てもらいました。 細菌が身体に入り、右肺が肺炎を引き起こしているとのことでした。 自分の体力を過大評価して、少したて続けに色んなことを詰め込んでやってきたせいかなと反省しています。迷惑をかけた人がたくさんいました。 ここでゆっくり、しばし時間をもらって全回復し、当面の分の体調は崩したのでまた突っ走りたいと思います。またよろしくお願いします!! たくさんのご心配、ありがとう。 皆さんの中にも風邪の症状かな?と思いながらしばらく経っても治らない方がいたら肺炎などの可能性があるので病院で診てもらうことをおすすめします。夏場、体調に気をつけてみんな楽しんでくださいな?? ちなみに今もうすでに僕はだいぶ元気です!! Hi everyone, thank you for worrying about my health problem for couple of weeks. I really appreciate that. The day I came back to Japan from Chengdu, the body temperature was still high and had no idea it gets better so I went to the Hospital. The diagnosis was pneumonia. Pneumonia is different from cold, and that's why it stayed in my body for so long. Now I've taken medicine, and getting good rest so I'm getting wayyyy better. I'm sure I'll be good & healthy and perform the rest 5 Shows of the Asia Tour!!!! Can't wait to see you guys. And again, 3 cities in China main land. You guys were amazing. Thank you sooo much for all your support and love, which was so beautiful. Can't wait to see you again. thx Love

yoji_nodaさん(@yoji_noda)が投稿した動画 -

野田洋次郎のインスタグラム(yoji_noda) - 7月25日 12時04分



ちなみに今もうすでに僕はだいぶ元気です!! Hi everyone, thank you for worrying about my health problem for couple of weeks. I really appreciate that.
The day I came back to Japan from Chengdu, the body temperature was still high and had no idea it gets better so I went to the Hospital.
The diagnosis was pneumonia. Pneumonia is different from cold, and that's why it stayed in my body for so long. Now I've taken medicine, and getting good rest so I'm getting wayyyy better.
I'm sure I'll be good & healthy and perform the rest 5 Shows of the Asia Tour!!!!
Can't wait to see you guys.
And again, 3 cities in China main land. You guys were amazing. Thank you sooo much for all your support and love, which was so beautiful. Can't wait to see you again.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



