Japan Food Townのインスタグラム(japanfoodtown) - 7月23日 12時28分

Hailing from Omotesando in Tokyo, Riz Labo Kitchen serves the fluffiest and softest pancakes that melts into a sweet bliss on your tongue. Made from home-grown and specially cultivated rice flour, light brown sugar, organic soy milk and rice oil, Riz Labo presents healthier pancakes that are completely gluten-free, served with an accompaniment of fresh whipped cream atop. Starting from $15++, you may choose from Riz Labo's signature Matcha Pancake with Whipped Cream, to having it served with Premium Chocolate Ice Cream, to enjoying the pancakes in their simplest and original form. Also, enjoy a wide array of colourful latte and cold drinks to accompany your pancakes. Operating in the same unit as Bar Nippon from 11am to 5pm every day, Riz Labo will be here to stay from the 21st of July to the 20th of October 2018. Fans of Bar Nippon may still patronise the outlet from 5pm onwards every day. #japanfoodtown #rizlabo #pancakes #matcha #cafe #dessert #barnippon


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