There are moments I feel like I just want to float away and be free from all responsibilities, titles and possessions. At the same time, I have discovered that the more I commit and give, the more I will receive. The idea of commitment has been a challenge in my life since I was a young girl. I've recently realized I've been carrying around a negative belief around commitment. I believed commitment brings sadness, fear, worry, disconnection, separation, all kinds of negative things. So my subconscious started to believe why have it? Since I’ve been on this personal development journey, I have realized that this belief has not been serving me anymore and that I want to be more committed and believe that it can be a positive thing. I’ve chosen to make a shift and believe that commitment will bring me joy, love, security, fun and empowerment. Ever since I’ve chosen to shift, focusing on committing to my goals, especially in relationships, business and self love, my life has been so much better. I feel that I can trust and love myself and others even more. And in return, I feel more loved. Thank you for all the support you’ve been giving me through this journey, as I'm experiencing huge growth in my life! Love you @tiarethomas @klemmerkonnect. たまに責任、タイトル、所有物と色々な物がとても重く感じて全てからフリーになって身軽にずっと海の上でプカプカと浮いていたいと思う時があります。でもコミットをする事で、更に素晴らしい結果を作り上げる事が出来るということを知ってからはコミットをする!という事を選んできました。 幼い頃に起きた出来事でコミットをするという事がマイナスに繋がると信じ始めた私。コミットをする事により、悲しみ、心配、恐怖、別れ、などマイナスな事が生まれると感じたので潜在意識の中でコミットはしない方が良いと思ったのです。 自己啓発の旅を始めてこの私の信じている事が自分に良い影響を与えていないことに気がつき、少しづつ潜在意識をリプログラミングし始め約3年程が経ちました。 3年経った今、コミットメント=喜び、愛、繋がり、安定、楽しいと信じる事が出来ました。潜在意識をリプログラミング始めてから自分の目標、人間関係、仕事、自分を大切にするという事にもコミットをし始め全てが良くなりました。自分を今まで以上に信じることが出来、大切にすることが出来るようになったのです。自分を深く信じ、大切に出来る様になって始めて相手を深く信じ、大切にする事が出来るようになりました。 このリプログラミングの旅をサポートしてくれた@tiarethomasと@klemmerconnectに心から感謝しています。たまには転んだり、つまづいたりするけど自分にコミットをして常に前を向いて一歩一歩前に進むぞ! Photo by@aaronmizu #growth #hawaii #pualani #personaldevelopment #commitment #ハワイ #成長 #コミット #自己啓発 #プアラニ #アンジェラマキバーノン #angelamakivernon

angelamakivernonさん(@angelamakivernon)が投稿した動画 -

アンジェラ・磨紀・バーノンのインスタグラム(angelamakivernon) - 7月20日 08時15分

There are moments I feel like I just want to float away and be free from all responsibilities, titles and possessions. At the same time, I have discovered that the more I commit and give, the more I will receive.
The idea of commitment has been a challenge in my life since I was a young girl. I've recently realized I've been carrying around a negative belief around commitment. I believed commitment brings sadness, fear, worry, disconnection, separation, all kinds of negative things. So my subconscious started to believe why have it?
Since I’ve been on this personal development journey, I have realized that this belief has not been serving me anymore and that I want to be more committed and believe that it can be a positive thing.
I’ve chosen to make a shift and believe that commitment will bring me joy, love, security, fun and empowerment. Ever since I’ve chosen to shift, focusing on committing to my goals, especially in relationships, business and self love, my life has been so much better. I feel that I can trust and love myself and others even more. And in return, I feel more loved.

Thank you for all the support you’ve been giving me through this journey, as I'm experiencing huge growth in my life! Love you @tiarethomas @klemmerkonnect.





Photo by@aaronmizu
#growth #hawaii #pualani #personaldevelopment #commitment #ハワイ #成長 #コミット #自己啓発 #プアラニ #アンジェラマキバーノン #angelamakivernon


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