タンクのインスタグラム(therealtank) - 7月19日 03時46分

You can hate @フロイド・メイウェザー・ジュニア, you can hate @レブロン・ジェームズ, you can even hate @kevindurant but at the end of the day you have to ask yourself why? Are you mad that these men took matters into their own hands to decide their futures? Are you mad because the media tells you to be? Are you mad that these men can’t be controlled by outside agendas or even YOUR opinion? Understand this! When an organization owns you they will do whatever they want with you whenever they want! Who wants to live like that? Who wants to be at the mercy of another? NOT ME! That’s also a line from my song #WhenWe which was number #1 for 15 wks and top 10 on mainstream but that’s not the point..lol. These men have taken back to control the system once had. Look beyond your fan eye and think like an owner. Then it’ll all make sense. If you don’t own yourself then this may fly over your head..??‍♂️. #Owner #FormerSlave #RnBMoney #TheGeneral


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