ケリー・オックスフォードのインスタグラム(kellyoxford) - 7月18日 06時46分

This one is for my followers who are writers.
This is me right now. I’ve been writing non-stop, but I’ve stopped to answer the question I’m asked the most:
“How do you get over writer’s block?” Here’s my answer:
Write. Write every day and don’t judge what you write. If you are a writer, this is what you do and you do it every day.
If you need to get out of the house/office, give yourself 1 hour to go on a hike, run, do an errand and pay attention to the people around you. Eavesdrop. Look at their clothing. Make stories up about the people you see. Does he cry when he eats soup? Is she still upset she never became a weathergirl? They met at a flea market when they both spilled their bags and pills fell out.

Anyhow. I had a shower today. That’s it. Bye.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





