何維健のインスタグラム(derrickhoh) - 7月13日 07時00分

Some updates: I'd been working on lotsa music the past week and preparing for this next big milestone of my career - I'm taking up the role as a music producer. Look, this is huge for me, I'd done it for myself on my previous album but I'd never done this for another recording artiste ever. All the grinding and learning over the past few years had prepared me for this moment and I'm very very excited. It means alot to me. Wish me the best.
Also I got some new toys from #tcacoustic a week ago so I had been working with some of these babies since then. First up is the #Klipsch Reference Over-ears. And my verdict is... clear mids, balanced and warm overall sound, not heavy on bass, I think it is designed to be used in everyday situations judging from the cables but I used it for my demo vocal recording and turns out it's pretty good at that too. Probably due to the clear mids part, which helps when you are trying to listen to details of the voice.
#dhohthemusician #dhohthegeek #musicproducer #songwriter #violentunboxing #unboxing
?: #klipschReference #overears #klipschseasia


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