アレックス・ロドリゲスのインスタグラム(arod) - 7月11日 03時27分

To make it to the big leagues, you need God-given talent. But to be truly great, you need much more. You hear about five-tool players, but to me the five tools of greatness are talent, passion, humility, a raw love for the game, and a relentless work ethic.
Few athletes can stake a claim to all five of those tools. But there is one player that stands out, and I believe it's because he has a sixth tool that elevates him above everyone else in the majors: Exceptional character.
That man is @マイク・トラウト. His character is off the charts and helps make him, in my opinion and so many others, the best player in the world. It was a pleasure to talk shop with this 6-tool superstar on @espn #SundayNightBaseball.


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