アンナ・ノルドクビストのインスタグラム(a_nordqvist) - 6月30日 04時46分

Golf has full on been kicking my ass this year. ? Its been frustrating, hard and it has been very disappointing. It sure isnt for the lack of not trying hard enough or for not working hard enough at it. Im proud of myself for working my ass off everyday and keeping my head high when golf is testing me day in and day out and when things just arent ment to be. Hopefully my hard work will pay off soon and things will fall into place and the good shots will be rewarded too. I did decide just a few weeks ago to start doing my own thing again and been changing my swing back to more what it used to be... and what was working... and doing that on the road has been challenging but definitely heading back in a good direction again. You feel so close but yet so far away. Golf definitely drives me crazy but at the same time its the challenge that keeps pushing me forward and makes me better. Thanks to everyone who is encouraging and supportive, it means a lot!!


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