デンハムのインスタグラム(denhamthejeanmaker) - 6月29日 14時39分

Good morning Amsterdam! This is @einesigns, creating his take on our "The Truth is in the Details" mantra across the exterior wall of the Daikanyama, Tokyo store. Today, head to the Hobbemastraat store at 8.30am to meet him, enjoy a quick breakfast and celebrate the launch of his exclusive "Working Class Hero" print. There are only 20 prints available – ten per colour way – and each is signed, numbered and dated. See you there. #denhamlovesart #beneine #streetart #workingclasshero #launch #friday #amsterdam Ps. The print will be released online at 3pm today via: @thegarageamsterdam


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



