ガソリングラマーのインスタグラム(gasolineglamour) - 6月27日 10時17分

Repop @womensmarch #idissent #notoriousrbg #sotomayor #scotus #nomuslimban #NOBANNOWALL I guess religious freedom only belongs to white #EVANGELICALS or only muslims are terrorists right? Find it hard to believe we are so terrified of the Muslim faith and yet somehow Saudi Arabia is not on the ban list and of course assface @ドナルド・トランプ managed to exclude any Muslim countries from the ban @trump does biz in #Gorsuch is a pompous windbag #scotus is complicit in the downfall of this country #goodnightandgoodluck #trump is a racist and everyone knows it #RESIST #DUMPTRUMP #MAGA #itmfa #WEAREGOINGDOWN


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