unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 6月27日 04時01分

Sandy, 10, heads home with a jerrycan of clean water, collected from a UNICEF-supported water point, in the war-ravaged city of Malakal, South Sudan. Brutal violence which started in February 2014 has devastated the region. Homes were burned to the ground, remaining buildings were riddled with bullet holes, the hospital no longer functioned, and the water treatment centre, which provided clean water for about 80,000 people, had been bombed and looted. For many months, residents relied on dirty water from the River Nile. Additionally, without a functioning health clinic, those who fell ill could not be treated; surviving with very little food and sheltering in makeshift structures. Together with partners, we’ve helped install six water-treatment structures which clean water from the Nile and pump it into communal taps. Safe water means children are healthier, have fewer diseases, and have more time to go to school. © UNICEF/UN0215532/Rich


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