コソヴァレ・アスラニのインスタグラム(asllani9) - 6月27日 00時36分

Everyone is entitled to their sport. You also. You are entitled to be on the ⚽️ field, to play, to have fun, to work out, to be better, to be part of the team.
For some it’s obvious. But for anyone who can’t, dare or feel comfortable on the pitch, for them we will create the conditions to play, to have fun, exercising, getting better and being part of the team. ?
Har du ett fotbollsprojekt som jobbar med mångfald eller något annat som du tycker är viktigt? Ansök om bidrag hos allaolika.se #allarolikaolikarbra


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



