ローラ・エンバーのインスタグラム(lauraenever) - 6月23日 09時08分

Thankyou for the love @surfingworld. Chatting all things waves, fears, years. I Almost fell off my chair telling @vaughandeadly about my first trip to Tasmania. From sitting on the rocks for hours watching the boys thinking ‘WTF there’s absolutely no way I’m going out there’, then 15 mins later somehow being at the edge of the rock off - Into a couple of cartwheels, insane viewing, epic vibes, pirates ect, ect ... far out I talk way too much you may want to skip some of it - point of the story is to follow your instincts kids ⚡️ If you are looking for the mag It’s the one with 800 foot Cloudbreak on the front ?? Thanks guys !


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