thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 6月21日 22時05分

Photo by @ljohnphoto for @rippleeffectimages. We met Muzoon (right) at the UNHCR (@refugees) Azraq Refugee Camp in Jordan. Only a teenager, she is already an activist. After meeting girls in her first camp who chose early marriage over an education, she now works passionately to convince her peers in Azraq to remain in school. She is outspoken and strident, campaigning with the full support of her parents who are both educators. Here she is pictured with her study buddy from the camp.

This week, the global community observes World Refugee Day, a day to redouble our efforts to end conflict and strife so that the more 68.5 million refugees may soon return home to rebuild their lives in peace. In the process, we will need all the Muzoons we can find.
Follow @ljohnphoto and @rippleeffectimages for more information about empowering #refugee communities.
#child #refugee #refugees #jordan #syria #syrianwar #syrianconflict #UNHCR #azraq #education #girls #empowerment #withrefugees


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