Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 6月20日 05時11分

This was my son Bhagwan 3 months ago. His mom went crazy, grabbed him and started to smash him into the fence (Don’t ask me why). We automatically tried to remove him and his two siblings, brought him down to Stage 1 and started the emergency procedures. The word Bhagwan means “The Blessed One”, and since we were able to save my boy, I named him Bhagwan. He currently lives with his siblings Opus and Odyssey, plus 10 more little Gangsters from Milagro’s Pride. When you don’t see a lot of posts it is because Papa Bear is super busy focusing his Energy in something, but rest assured that even when my body is sleeping, I’m working in solutions for the kids. As I mentioned two posts ago, Dr Fernando Lizárraga helps us out in emergencies like this. It was a true Miracle that we were able to rescue him from his mom’s mouth and second, to bring him back into total Health. With Love and respect to Osho, the other Bhagwan of my life...
#BabyBhagwanBJWT #SaveLions #Osho


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