ロゼリン・サンチェスのインスタグラム(roselyn_sanchez) - 6月19日 03時12分

Shame on us... and don’t be giving me shit and writing that they should come into this country legally. I get it and you’re right, but a lot of them are asking for asylum and that is legal. Plus separating children from their parents IS NOT THE WAY OR THE ANSWER. This Government needs to reconsider the zero tolerance clause they came up with and manipulated and find a better way to address this situation PRONTO. The parents being detained are not criminals, gang bangers or animals. These are people trying to give their kids a better life. I understand that most are doing it illegally and that needs to be addressed. But handcuffing these men and women in front of their young children, grabbing a baby while the mom is breastfeeding... that is simply barbaric and disgusting. Before you comment and write some rubbish, put yourself in that place... if you’re blessed to be a parent, feel what it is to be taken away by somebody like you’re a felon and have your kid watch this scene while begging and crying for you not to go away. Let’s STOP this madness.
Once again, if you read this and feel the urge to write something mean... go fuck yourself and unfollow me please.


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