ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 6月18日 07時00分

Photograph by @simoncroberts.
Jigme Singye Wangchuck, Bhutan’s fourth Druk Gyalpo, or Dragon King, is an avid cyclist who can often be found pedalling the steep foothills that ring the capital city, Thimphu. All Bhutanese know about the king’s passion for cycling, to which he has increasingly devoted his spare time since December 2006, when he relinquished the crown to his eldest son. This photograph was taken during the ‘Tour of the Dragon’ road race in 2014. It is a 268km cycle that stretches from Bumthang, in central Bhutan, to Thimphu on the country’s western border. It is a spectacular, albeit gruelling, journey, following a route through unspoiled forests and fields, over rolling river valleys and past mountainside farms, touching just a few tiny villages along the way. Cyclists must tackle four mountain passes that range in height from just under 4,000 to nearly 11,000 feet; in places the road grade reaches 5 percent and the straight uphill climbs stretch on for nearly 40km. The 9th Tour takes place on 1 September 2018.
Follow @simoncroberts to see more photographs from this series and other works. #simonroberts #bhutan #cyclinginbhutan #tourofthedragon


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