クリッセル・リムのインスタグラム(chrisellelim) - 6月18日 03時37分

HAPPY FATHERS DAY TO THE BEST DADDY IN THE WORLD @allenbrighten !! I always knew you would be a great dad but I never knew to what extent until we actually had our own. you went beyond anything I ever expected, and Just down to get your hands dirty with just about anything (including all the dirty poopie diapers). From night time feedings (when she was a baby) to all the dirty diapers to giving her the worlds worst haircut while I’m out of town so her bangs don’t poke her eyes out to teaching her about compassion and patience to developing her love and obsession for furry creatures and animals to now becoming her best friend . Thank you for being the best role model to Chloe and also for inspiring me to become better each day. There’s no one else I would do this crazy thing called PARENTING than with you! I love you


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




