ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 6月12日 07時06分

You’re looking at a highway paved with solar panels in China. The country produces 3/4 of the solar panels sold globally, and its wind-turbine manufacturing industry is among the world’s largest. The potential appeal of solar roads — modified solar panels that are installed in place of asphalt — is clear. Generating electricity from highways and streets could conserve a lot of land, which means a lot in a heavily populated country where demand for energy has risen rapidly. And because roads run through and around cities, the electricity could be used practically next door to where it is generated. Among the other benefits: land is essentially free, because roads are needed anyway. And now, roads like this one are finally becoming viable. Thanks in large part to soaring Chinese production, a solar panel costs a 10th of what it did a decade ago. While solar roads are less efficient than rooftop solar panels and more expensive than asphalt, they’d likely need to be replaced less often than asphalt. Less clear is whether the panels would be able to take the pounding of millions of tires each year for more than a decade, or whether they might be stolen. @giuliamarchiphoto made this video while on #nytassignment in China. Visit the link in our profile to read more. #?️


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