ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 6月1日 04時26分

Fishing in Montana conjures images of waders and featherweight flies landing softly on lazy rivers, an irresistible lure for the 1- or 2-pound trout swimming beneath. Catching a giant paddlefish weighing 50 or 100 pounds is an altogether different pursuit. When a paddlefish is hooked, a cry goes up: “Fish on!” People look to see who has a deeply bent rod. It can take 5 or 10 minutes of intense, high-tension reeling to bring in the heavy fish. The end result? In an unusual twist, it’s a bounty of an unusual delicacy: roe sold around the U.S. as #caviar. “It winds up on cruise ships, it winds up in restaurants, it winds up everywhere,” said Dennis Scarnecchia, a professor of fisheries at @uidaho. He supervises paddlefish caviar programs in Montana, North Dakota and Oklahoma, the proceeds of which are funneled into research and monitoring of these freshwater leviathans. He considers the programs “a model for sustainable recreational fishing.” @janie_osborne took this photo while on #nytassignment in Montana. Visit the link in our profile to read more. #?


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