Stephanie Sterjovskiのインスタグラム(stephsjolly) - 5月31日 01時23分

This kid. Happy, worry-free, already practicing her "blogger" pose. Actually, I had no clue about blogging back then (I don't even think we knew what internet was) I'm pretty sure I wanted to be a vet (shocker). Either way, that little girl in the photo never had to deal with poverty or violence. Right now 75 million children and youth are out of school in 35 crisis-affected countries. Education is a lifeline for children who are caught in conflict (especially girls). Access to it can help them pursue something better for their future. When girls are out of school, they are more vulnerable to violence, discrimination and exploitation (including child marriage). That just doesn't sit well with me. Canada is hosting the G7 Summit in June and this is our chance to champion education for girls in crises on a global stage. I want to encourage you to post a throwback of you when you were a kiddo and hashtag #MyG7 to spread awareness and have our voices heard for these girls (tag your friends and join in) ??? @WorldVisionCan


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