長洲未来のインスタグラム(mirainagasu) - 5月28日 03時07分

May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. Where we are today as an Asian American community is a huge jump from where we were even 8 years ago. Eight years ago, I was one of the few Asian Americans on the Olympic team. This year for the @pyeongchang2018 team, 50% of the the figure skating team was represented and I am beyond proud to have been one of those members. Growing up, I had role models like @クリスティー・ヤマグチ and @ミシェル・クワン to look up to, but they were a rare breed and it was almost normal for Asian roles in Hollywood to be played by other ethnicities. I wish I could go back and tell the little girl in this photo that I’m going to be a part of a movement where we continue to break barriers in society and that people can tell you that your eyes are too small or that you’re a horrible driver (which I am) but that these things are not meant to limit you. All you Asians out there, let us continue to rise. #asiansforthewin #asianamerican #asianpacificamericanheritagemonth #may


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