ケヴィン・スミスのインスタグラム(thatkevinsmith) - 5月28日 01時53分

The 9 year old me who fell in love with @スター・ウォーズ would never get this in 1980, but the guy who made #jayandsilentbobstrikesback in 2001 not only understands this meme, he also understands how lucky he’s been in his “career” that this joke is understood by enough people to land properly. Most folks look at something like this, giggle and move on. But I giggle and then recall the millions of things that had to go right in order for this joke to organically occur on the internet. You are all a part of those million things that went right for me. Many, many thanks. Now, back to the jokes... #KevinSmith #starwars #empirestrikesback #darthvader #vader #15bucks


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