ケアリー・ハートのインスタグラム(hartluck) - 5月26日 09時24分

I’m at a total loss for words, so I’m gonna wing it right now. We lost a true legend, Jeff Fox. Jeff and I had an awesome and genuine relationship cause we never worked together. I don’t think there are to many of those in this industry. Him and I hit it off right from the jump. The first time I met him was at a supercross (before I had my team) in his suite, and he said to me “who’s this tattooed scumbag” and just gave me that Fox grin. Most of the times we had were over cocktails at, and away from the races. He hung out with me at one of my last x games I competed in, and we had an absolute blast. I turned him on to Jagermeister and (in the early days) we laughed our asses off while sipping whiskey. I don’t even have a pic of us together cause we were to busy having fun rather than selfie-ing out. Anytime we check in with each other is was usually accompanied by a photo like this one (that he sent to me). I always got a kick out of how well him and my wife got along. The hospitality that he and his family gave to me at the races when I had “a gimmick” of a supercross team will never be forgotten. I’m gonna miss you Cheese. You were taken way to early, and I will always think of you with a smile on my face. Sorry I never made it out to the farm, and the races will never be the same with out you. Ride in paradise my friend. #JeffFox


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