チャーリー・カーバーのインスタグラム(charliecarver) - 5月25日 01時00分

Coming at you like ☁️☀️☁️ *****************************
An honor to be on the June cover, @gaytimesmag ... get your copy at http://gaytimes.co.uk/buy
“I feel like even by participating in the culture and by having the opportunities I’ve had, I’m reinforcing this idea of masculinity... How do I, as an individual, recognize how I’m part of the problem and what can I do to change that... There’s such a necessary conversation about gender identity and toxic masculinity happening now. As a kid, I was what you might call ‘a femme kid’. I really loved dressing up, mothering dolls, Barbies, singing and – in some ways – it was conditioned out of me and I allowed it to be conditioned out of me, so I will always wonder who that little person would have grown into without this messaging from the outside. But at the same time, what’s great is accepting who you are as an individual in terms of where we are right now as a culture, and saying that I accept who I am, my conditioning included. How do I both liberate and help find that person that might have been, but also improve upon the person I am now – accept and grow from the present?” ************************************************
Words: @wjconnolly
Photography: @michael_beckert
Fashion: @heathernewberger
Grooming: @dutchessnatalia


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