ルオル・デンのインスタグラム(luoldeng9) - 5月24日 00時35分

The House of Slaves (Maison des Esclaves) and its Door of No Return is a museum and memorial to the Atlantic slave trade on Gorée Island, 3 km off the coast of the city of Dakar, Senegal. This is where millions of captured Africans were stolen from the Motherland and sent away as slaves. I can’t describe the emotions that i was feeling standing at the door of no return, knowing that my ancestors had to enter this door for more then 400 years. By far the hardest thing i had to do in this trip and all my trips to Africa.
At times on the island i had so much anger and so many questions. I wish things were different but this is what THEY created. The outcome centuries later is an Africa diaspora spread across the world. Black people are still marginalized today by the very western societies they built for free.
ALWAYS REMEMBER — we’re told to move on from slavery because it’s a reminder that black people today are marginalized by the very western society they built with their free labor. Never forget.


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