デイヴ・アスプリーのインスタグラム(dave.asprey) - 5月23日 01時17分

Telomeres are caps of DNA at the ends of chromosomes that protect your cells from aging.

They naturally shorten over time, but certain habits, like smoking, excessive stress, not exercising, and a diet full of processed foods can speed up the process.

People with shorter telomeres than the average length for their age group have a higher risk for serious disease and early death.

The good news is that you have a lot of control over the wear-and-tear of your telomeres. Age and genes have the biggest influence on telomere length, but stress isn't far behind.

Learning to manage and lower your stress is a powerful way to preserve your telomeres and minimize aging.

Check out blog.bulletproof.com for more information on telomeres and how you can hack them to live longer (and better). #telomeres #DNA #stress


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