ミッチェル・コリンズのインスタグラム(michcoll) - 5月21日 10時36分

Two shining orbs of laughter & love, @gibblertron & @ブライアン・サフィ of the most hilarious podcast @throwingshade, came through NYC this weekend to do a live show at @vulturefestival... and to tell you that I was honored to be their one and only guest today would be the U of the Y. (in a rush i’ll go on) So happy the photographer caught the exact moment Erin & Bry soaked up the dick pic I took on the 1 train last night where a strange man exposed himself to my friend and I (and yes, the NYPD is on it). And in a fully Dear God Please unrelated note, I never knew I had such staunch opinions about which clowns I would/wouldn’t fuck until I played their signature game... Would You Fuck This Clown? (Spoiler I think I said yes to 8 out of 10?) These are truly 2 of the best people I know in this crazy business known as ART and you should subscribe to their podcast NOW and thank me whenevvvver. ?❤️? #vulturefestival

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