PALEY.のインスタグラム(paleyhollywood) - 5月19日 09時40分

PRESS // @ハリウッド・リポーター @pretareporter
Where Oprah Winfrey and Leonardo DiCaprio Power Dine in New York and L.A.: The Exact VIP Tables
Who: Execs from Viacom and Netflix. Sandra Bullock, Keanu Reeves, Bruce Willis and Jamie Foxx have been spotted, and when Mary J. Blige received her Hollywood Walk of Fame star, Paley hosted the afterparty. -
Power Table: Table 11, a corner booth. “You’re nestled, but you can see the entire restaurant,” says managing director Christopher Roache. “Even when I’m in meetings, that’s where I like to sit.” #paleyhollywood


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