マリア・マーフィーのインスタグラム(maliamurphey) - 5月16日 02時20分

For all my fellow bulls ♉️🌈🙌🏽
“Slowing down in your mind is one of the most important things you can do in your life dear Taurus and today you’ll realise that some of your choices of late have been coming from fear. Perhaps you are afraid of losing something and what you are not realising is that you are better off losing it if you are going to forget yourself, your health and your life along the way. Or you’ll need to find a better way of doing what you are doing so that it doesn’t have to affect your health.” @bondiguru 💫🌟 @saltywestern


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



