Saki のインスタグラム(saki1011) - 5月14日 22時32分

#Repost @bugaboostrollers #bugaboo オフィシャルにアンケートと一緒に載せていただいてます???????ありがとうございます✨? We asked @Saki from Japan three questions about everyday motherhood moments. #MothersDay

What is something ordinary you do regularly with your child that’s very special to you?
We watch Bruno Mars on YouTube and dance together every morning.

What is a recent memory of yours which represents the ‘messy side of motherhood?’ (maybe something that you don’t typically see on Instagram)
He puts everything into his mouth. I caught him suddenly eating grasses while he was playing at a park.

What’s something that you remember your mom doing for you that you also do for your child?
My mom gave me a lot of hair elastics and barrettes for my long hair when I was little. So I would even do the same to my son (he’s a boy though!).
I want to raise a girl as well! ❤︎❤︎❤︎ #stroller #bugaboostroller #bugaboobee5
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