ケリー・マレーのインスタグラム(kelli_murray) - 5月8日 01時39分

Gosh I love him.
6 years in and I still sometimes feel like I'm just wingin it with this mothering gig. I vividly remember when I first brought Rylee home from the hospital feeling like I just wasn't qualified. But babies don't let you sit in your doubts and insecurities for too long do they? They need us to step up, to figure it out even when we don't have all the answers. I've definitely learned a thing or two over the years, but one thing I know for sure is that I need them just as much as they need me. Motherhood is a challenge, but it's also the most beautiful and rewarding journey I've ever experienced. Thanks for my flowers Cru. I love them :) @thebouqsco #bouqspartner #bouqlove


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