ジェームズ・ガンのインスタグラム(jamesgunn) - 5月6日 06時35分

Lost in the Supermarket: Sometimes growing up in suburban Missouri could be boring. Especially in the summer, my best friend Danny and I would meet up in the morning and only have a few choices of what to do - this was before most home video games and when there were only four channels on TV. We could build a fort, play a board game, collect bucketfuls of garter snakes from the woods, or walk through that woods to Dierberg’s, a supermarket about 15 minutes from our homes. There we would play Frogger for a quarter or read comics from the magazine rack. There’s no Frogger any longer, nor any comics, nor even the woods we walked through to get there, but no trip back to St. Louis is complete without stopping by my old home away from home. And I can still pick up tapioca pudding or Cream of Wheat or braunschweiger or gooey butter cake or some other lynchpin in the delicate and strange tapestry of my nostalgia.


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