ロン・パールマンのインスタグラム(perlmutations) - 5月2日 13時36分

#WingAndRayerPictures is tickled to be a part of the emergence a great artist. And particularly proud to give #Kanye a run for his money... Repost from @emilehirsch using @RepostRegramApp - Here's kind of a funny story: a couple years ago I played a singer in a bluegrass band called Hysterical Kindness in the JK Simmons movie All Nighter. And me and Chris and Brian- the musicians- liked working together so much on a cover song of Bob Seger's Night Moves, we ended up making an entire album together, in the spirit of Martin, the character I played. It was a really awesome experience for all of us- the story behind all the songs and the way it was made will wait for another day, but the first song we are releasing, "You" I'm putting the link up to in the bio. The band is still called Hysterical Kindness, the album is called Simple Things, and its gonna drop on June 1st- so I guess Kanye is gonna have some competition?! We all made it together with a desire to just express ourselves. Hope you guys like it.


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