タンクのインスタグラム(therealtank) - 5月1日 08時46分

I’m reposting this to let this young man know that what he’s singing is the truth! I don’t know everything that you’re going through but it was laid on my heart to try to lighten the load. I hear the confirmation in every word and every note! @realjohngray chime in at any moment because I know you feel this in your spirit where ever you are!!! I’m standing by young fella! Everybody tag him and let him know that help is no longer on the way.. HELP IS HERE!..??
RepostBy @tayneely95: "TAG & REPOST THIS WITH SOMEONE WHO NEEDS TO HEAR THIS ??❤️ Woke up this morning depressed & just feeling worthless. Feeling like I’m not doing what I am called to do on this earth. Wanting GOD to heal certain things in my body. I just began to sing “Things Will Work In My Favor” ?? I Just Have To Believe & Trust God. Because he’s the miracle worker, Chain Breaker, Healer , Deliver ???? I know there’s a lot of People feeling the same way. Don’t give up. Whenever your feeling depressed and wanting God To Do Something In Your Life . just Say.... “Things Will Work In My Favor” YOU JUST GOTTA BELIEVE IT ❗️This Song Is Written & Produced By: @alpiano81_alphaeus


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