unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 4月24日 20時01分

Post 1/4: I will call myself Afia. But, forgive me – it is not my real name. Where I live, it is not safe for a woman to show her face. So, I would prefer not to use my real name. Today, I'm taking over UNICEF’s Instagram to give you an insight into my life and work vaccinating children in Afghanistan. It is not easy to be a woman, or child here. My cousin is just 11 years old, and she is already engaged and will soon be married. She won’t be able to go to school, and instead she will be forced to cook and clean for her husband and his family. I am lucky, my father is more liberal. He let me go to school and I have no pressure to get married, because I support my three unemployed brothers. Because I provide money, they value my thoughts and opinions. I have been working to eradicate polio for seven years. My job is very important, because Afghanistan has the highest number of polio cases in the world. I am one of 70,000 polio workers across the country that ensures 9.9 million children are vaccinated against polio. However, if I wasn’t working I would also be forced to marry. My job is not just saving children’s lives, it is saving my own.
© UNICEF/Afghanistan2018/Hibbert

#instagramtakeover #worldimmunizationweek #unicefafghanistan #endpolionow #vaccineswork


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