Robert Bingamanのインスタグラム(robertjosiah) - 4月24日 09時20分

A few of the BTS shots I’ve shared from the shoot last week were taken by the PA the agency hired—a kid named Daniel. He knew next to nothing about production and I told him that the director and I were going to be ordering him around without saying please or thank you, as time was of the essence. His response was “that sounds great.” More than once he was at the ready with obscure parts when I needed them that he hadn’t seen before that day, and every time it was without fanfare or delay. His only extracurricular was the occasional bad dad joke or an exclamation about how much fun he was having. When he had a question about his impending film school life, he was sure to ask if I had the energy to answer. He played CDs in his car that he felt were right for the moment (including Graceland at the end). He was more consistent, more helpful, and more positive than anyone I’ve ever worked with. And what a lesson, right? What is experience without openness? Show up. Forget yourself. Expand.
Thanks Daniel, wherever you are. And please buy yourself some actual shoes.


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