ナイジェル・バーカーのインスタグラム(nigelbarker) - 4月22日 21時53分

Happy Earthday! My greatest honor has been to travel extensively around our beautiful planet. But as we know, our skies are becoming toxic with high levels of CO2 and other pollutants heating up our planet with devastating consequences like super storms and melting ice caps, our oceans have ridiculous amounts of plastics and waste accumulating in them, killing the marine life and poisoning our water (yes our drinking water too). Animals are becoming extinct with just a few weeks ago the death of the last male White Rhino...
All is not lost though and it is up to everyone of us to actively make a difference with our personal choices and speaking up for policies our planet desperately needs to live. As far as we know the Earth is the only planet of its kind so let’s love, respect and care for it like it is the only ONE please #earthday #respect #endplasticpollution #care ?????


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