ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 4月11日 11時35分

Huge retailers are fighting for a piece of the online food delivery business. So is David Nowacoski, a chicken and pig farmer in East Smithfield, Pennsylvania. Last month, he started Delivered Fresh, a service that delivers locally produced meats, cheeses and vegetables across northern Pennsylvania. @mcorkery5 and @george_etheredge spent a day with David and his wife, Marla, traveling in the family minivan to pick up and drop off food from 3 farms, a cheese room, a tavern and a bakery. “This is where society is going, and we have to figure out how the small farm plays a role in it,” David says. He and Marla wake up at dawn to feed the chickens — and the pigs, seen here awaiting their early-morning meal. Then they battle icy roads to “build baskets” for a relatively small number of families who place orders online. The Nowacoskis hope they can help farmers find new markets. But it’s not clear how many shoppers in the area can afford “pasture raised” chicken breasts. “People ask, ‘Why do you cost so much?’” David says. “The better question is how are others like Walmart able to sell it so cheaply?”


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