私の夢 昔からサッカー選手になりたかった私の夢は @ronaldinho と会える事でした。普通に話してくれて、家族にも優しくしてくれて、そして、彼と彼のステキなメンバー達と私の家族も含めて二日間一緒に過ごさせてもらいました。まだ信じられないです❤️❤️✨子供の頃から見てきたあのスーパースターが目の前に自然にいた〜 そして自然でナイスな人!彼と彼のバンド @bailedor10 の音楽も物凄く良くて彼が何よりも歌って、楽器ひいてて幸せそうな姿が見れて本当に嬉しかった!彼の笑顔は本当好き!メンバーの皆様も本当に音楽が好きで、ライブ後も残ってうちら10人で歌ったり、踊ったりした幸せな時間でした!これからも頑張ってくださいね!応援してます!又、会いましょう〜??? I wanted to be a soccer player when I was little before I started to work as a model.my dream was to meet @ronaldinho and my dream came true! He was such a humble nice guy super nice to my family too. I didn’t really know how to act because i waited for that moment my whole life. Thank you so much!! And more than anything, it was more than I dream to spend two days with him and his amazing band @bailedor10 that treated us so well. I loved seeing my parents having so much fun dancing to their song. They’re all super talented!! It made me even happier to see ronaldinho so happy performing on the stage. That made me smily. He is following another passion that he has. He is joy in person , he does it with joy and love. I hope god always protect him and wish him lots of happiness in his life ! After everyone left the show , me and my family was jamming with his talented crew. It’s so clear to see how much they love music ! They all are so adorable that we got along so naturally! Thank you for coming to Japan and thank you for welcoming us making us feel so warm! Me and my family are waiting for you guys here in Japan! ✨✨✨✨ ps: não entrou todos na foto mas vcs estão no meu coração @tibigustavo @ronaldinho @moskafv @bailedor10 @oliverapha @ericresendegt @alexnunesyyz @licatitomusic @paulinhomaclaren @edersonmelaorodrigues @julianomoreira02 ❤️ #夢 #サッカー好き #音楽好き #良い人好き #ronaldinho

julianaminatoさん(@julianaminato)が投稿した動画 -

湊ジュリアナのインスタグラム(julianaminato) - 4月1日 15時44分

昔からサッカー選手になりたかった私の夢は @ロナウジーニョ と会える事でした。普通に話してくれて、家族にも優しくしてくれて、そして、彼と彼のステキなメンバー達と私の家族も含めて二日間一緒に過ごさせてもらいました。まだ信じられないです❤️❤️✨子供の頃から見てきたあのスーパースターが目の前に自然にいた〜 そして自然でナイスな人!彼と彼のバンド @bailedor10 の音楽も物凄く良くて彼が何よりも歌って、楽器ひいてて幸せそうな姿が見れて本当に嬉しかった!彼の笑顔は本当好き!メンバーの皆様も本当に音楽が好きで、ライブ後も残ってうちら10人で歌ったり、踊ったりした幸せな時間でした!これからも頑張ってくださいね!応援してます!又、会いましょう〜???
I wanted to be a soccer player when I was little before I started to work as a model.my dream was to meet @ロナウジーニョ and my dream came true! He was such a humble nice guy super nice to my family too. I didn’t really know how to act because i waited for that moment my whole life. Thank you so much!! And more than anything, it was more than I dream to spend two days with him and his amazing band @bailedor10 that treated us so well. I loved seeing my parents having so much fun dancing to their song. They’re all super talented!! It made me even happier to see ronaldinho so happy performing on the stage. That made me smily. He is following another passion that he has. He is joy in person , he does it with joy and love. I hope god always protect him and wish him lots of happiness in his life ! After everyone left the show , me and my family was jamming with his talented crew. It’s so clear to see how much they love music ! They all are so adorable that we got along so naturally! Thank you for coming to Japan and thank you for welcoming us making us feel so warm! Me and my family are waiting for you guys here in Japan! ✨✨✨✨ ps: não entrou todos na foto mas vcs estão no meu coração @tibigustavo @ロナウジーニョ @moskafv @bailedor10 @oliverapha @ericresendegt @alexnunesyyz @licatitomusic @paulinhomaclaren @edersonmelaorodrigues @julianomoreira02 ❤️ #夢 #サッカー好き #音楽好き #良い人好き


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