世界プロサーフィン連盟(WSL)のインスタグラム(wsl) - 3月26日 10時52分

How to perfect a single to double arm bar by @shanebeschen
"On this wave, I take off using my back arm to grasp the wave to slow myself down. You'll also notice both feet are forward as I take off giving you better control of your board in the tube. As I'm grabbing the wall with my back arm you'll see my front arm move forward and just before the first little spit, you will see my front arm reach down to grasp the wave to slow down even further.
Had I not done this I would have most likely come out of the barrel right then. Understanding the speed of the wave is key and this is something I am still learning and what makes tube riding so special. You will never get the same wave or barrel for that matter, so your intuition on how fast or slow you should be going is always being tested, which keeps things exciting and always coming back for more.
The next key move is knowing when to let go of your stall and gain speed to make the barrel.
On this wave, I stalled as long as I could before I realized the wave was going to close out. At this point, you take your arm or arms out of the wall of the wave and do a slight pump to get out. When you do your pump out be sure to stay low especially keeping your head low so you don't get caught by the lip." .
Happy Tube Hunting ? | Video by @lieberfilms


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