スタジオ ニコルソンのインスタグラム(studionicholson) - 3月18日 19時22分

FEATURE - MALICK SIDIBÉ: THE EYE OF BAMAKO | Through the lens of his signature Rolleiflex camera, Malian photographer Malick Sidibé took the portrait of an Africa the wider world had never seen. It was joyous, proud and assuredly cool.
Born in rural Mali in the 1930s, Sidibé’s early drawing talent won him a place at Bamako’s École des Artisans Soudanais where he met French society photographer Gérard Guillat in 1952. Later becoming Guillat’s studio apprentice, he spent his days observing and learning photographic techniques before venturing out in the evenings to the city’s nightclubs with his cheap Brownie camera. There he shot energetic scenes of the local nightlife, sometimes hopping to four or more parties in search of the city’s best dressed dancers. As he recalled in later life, “I loved the music and the atmosphere, but above all I loved the dancers. The moments when young people dance and play as though the stars belong to them — that’s what I loved the most.” | Read the full story by @natalya.elena on our features page | #studionicholson #modularwardrobe #malicksidibe


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